SCSB Colloquium Series: The neurobiology of social isolation
Singleton Auditorium, Bldg. 46, Room 3002 43 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSimons Center is hosting Dr. Moriel Zelikowsky, University of Utah School of Medicine
Simons Center is hosting Dr. Moriel Zelikowsky, University of Utah School of Medicine
Simons Center is hosting Dr. Alex Major, Earl Miller lab, MIT
Simons Center is hosting Dr. Steve Chang from Yale University
Simons Center is hosting Simons Fellow, Dr. Yugang Zhang, from Feng Zhang laboratory at Broad Institute
Simons Center is hosting Dr. Amy Lutz, University of Pennsylvania
Simons Center is hosting Thomas Clark from Ted Gibson Lab, BCS
Simons Center is hosting Dr. Michael Greenberg, Harvard Medical School
Simons Center is hosting Dr. Tomoe Ishikawa, Simons PD fellow, Gloria Choi laboratory, Picower Institute, BCS, MIT
Simons Center is hosting Dr. Clifford Woolf, BCH/HMS
Simons center is hosting Dr. Winko An, BCH/HMS